Restoring and supporting vibrant Indigenous food systems. 


“Advocating for and supporting all levels of food security and food sovereignty in local, tribal, regional, national and international arenas”

The Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance (NAFSA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that was officially incorporated in 2014 following two years of efforts to develop an organization and mission with input from hundreds of Native food producers and organizations.



The Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance (NAFSA) is dedicated to restoring the Indigenous food systems that support Indigenous self-determination, wellness, cultures, values, communities, economies, languages, families, and rebuild relationships with the land, water, plants and animals that sustain us.





NAFSA works to put the farmers, wildcrafters, fishers, hunters, ranchers, and eaters at the center of decision-making on policies, strategies and natural resource management for all Native American communities.




Our dedicated Leadership and Governance guides NAFSA to success!

How You Can Help:

Your gift to Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance (NAFSA) benefits and supports Native communities’ food sovereignty and food security efforts and projects.

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Make a tax-deductible online gift today to help us restore, support, and develop Indigenous Food Systems.

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Prefer to send a check? Click here for a printable donation form.