Sharing knowledge on the Navajo-Churro at the Southwest Summit

by Eliseo Curley

The Southwest Intertribal Food Summit, was a big success. I enjoyed all the collaborations between all the people representing where they are coming from.

The Taos Pueblo people were so welcoming and cooked some incredible meals. I attended the summit along with my mentor Roy Kady and another friend of ours Jackie Frank.

They conducted a felting session, which I helped out with and shared my knowledge of felting. Beside the felting, we provided a Navajo-Churro lamb from Roy’s flock which was serveed in one of the many lunches we had. We butchered and processed the lamb at Roy’s home in Teec Nos Pos, AZ and brought it all the way to Taos.

The morning runs was also a great thing added to the event. The whole event was an awesome experience, to learn what others across Indigenous Country are doing to preserve their culture and the foods that brings those cultures and its peoples together.

I look forward to the next summit, and also to collaborate with the people I have met at the Summit. Thank you to all who put this Summit together, you all did a great job.

Eliseo Curley