Native Food Sovereignty

NAFSA – The Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance – supports Native communities nationally with advocacy, education, and networking as they revitalize their indigenous food systems.

Indigenous Seed Keepers Network

Seeds are a vibrant and vital foundation for food sovereignty and are the basis for sustainable, healthy agriculture. We understand that seeds are our precious collective inheritance and it is our responsibility to care for the seeds as part of our responsibility to feed and nourish ourselves and future generations.

Get Involved

Your gift to Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance (NAFSA) benefits America’s Native communities through education and agricultural independence. No matter what inspires you to give today, you can trust that we will put your donation into action, and create lasting results for our communities and future generations.


Seeds, stories, good food and more! Discover how you can join our movement.


Hear the voices of hope and resilience across Turtle Island.



Your contribution supports our efforts to restore traditional Indigenous foodways.

Welcome to the Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance (NAFSA)


We are an organization dedicated to restoring the food systems that support Indigenous self-determination, wellness, cultures, values, communities, economies, languages, and families while rebuilding relationships with the land, water, plants, and animals that sustain us.

Through our efforts and programs, we bring stakeholders and communities together to advocate and support best practices and policies that enhance dynamic Native food systems, sustainable economic development, education, trade routes, stewardship, and multi-generational empowerment.

We work to put the farmers, wild-crafters, fishers, hunters, ranchers, and eaters at the center of decision-making on policies, strategies and natural resource management.

Our Story

NAFSA was an idea which incubated during a Taos County Economic Development Corporation grant from Oxfam America in 2005. Through this grant, the funder was interested in bringing together grassroots Native food activists over an extended period of time to see a greater impact on Native food systems.

During these convenings, participants from 13 tribes came together to share their knowledge and skills in agriculture, seed saving and foods. These activities resulted in the first attempted seed sovereignty declaration and a completed Food Sovereignty Declaration with a Call to Action.

Seeds are Life

Seeds are a vibrant and vital foundation for food sovereignty, and are the basis for a sustainable, healthy agriculture.  We understand that seeds are our precious collective inheritance and it is our responsibility to care for the seeds as part of our responsibility to feed and nourish ourselves and future generations. As a national network, we leverage resources and cultivate solidarity and communication within the matrix of regional grass-roots tribal seed sovereignty projects. 

Our Work

Learn more about our projects and programs.

Indigenous Seedkeeper Network

ISKN’s mission is to nourish and assist the growing Seed Sovereignty Movement across Turtle Island ( North America). As a national network, we leverage resources and cultivate solidarity and communication within the matrix of regional grass-roots tribal seed sovereignty projects.


Food and Culinary Mentorship Program

NAFSA’s Food and Culinary Mentorship Program assists Indigenous Peoples and communities in reconnecting with their traditional diets and lifeways for the wellbeing and health of their communities.




How You Can Help:

Your gift to Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance (NAFSA) benefits and supports Native communities’ food sovereignty and food security efforts and projects.

Give Online

Make a tax-deductible online gift today to help us restore, support, and develop Indigenous Food Systems.

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